Cliffie with Reverend Robert Schuller, who founded the famous Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA. Dr. Schuller had a Sunday Service on television which was syndicated and broadcast all over the world for many years. Cliffie and I both enjoyed watching his skilled oratory as he delivered his positive, uplifting sermons. We were promoting our book, “Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Songwriting…” at another prestigious ‘Round Table West’ book event in Orange County, California. We both respected Dr. Schuller and were honored and thrilled that he was one of the authors who would also be speaking about his new book at ‘Round Table West.’ Dr. Schuller wrote numerous, uplifting spiritual books, and many of them made the New York Times bestseller list. Cliffie always said that a song title has to have a hook. This is why he enjoyed Dr. Schuller’s interesting book titles made Cliffie buy them. Dr. Schuller’s books include ‘Move Ahead With Possibility Thinking’ (1967); ‘Self-Love’ (1975); ‘Tough-Minded Faith for Tenderhearted People’ (1979); ‘Self-Esteem: The New Reformation’ (1982); ‘Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do’ (1983); ‘Living Positively One Day at a Time’ (1986); and ‘Don’t Throw Away Tomorrow’ (2005) just to name a few.